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UVa in Argentina

It all started in Mendoza in 2008.
Joined by 16 students, I co-led the first UVa in Argentina program with the graduate student who first envisioned its potential. Founded on the premise that learning increases as the authenticity of the work increases, we mentored teams on 4 projects with the goal of delivering quality results to our clients (not creating reports to appease instructors).
The most popular J-term at UVa.
The combination of interdisciplinary work (business + engineering + systems thinking + consulting), a shift from "learning what the professor wants you to" (as is done in most classes) to "learning what you need for your client project when you need it," a great leadership team and partners in Argentina, and working with wineries in an indredible location has led to routinely getting 70+ applicants for 20 slots.
"An amazing study abroad course. I have been on three study abroad courses ... and this was by far my best learning experience and trip. The professors care about the breadth and depth of interaction you get with the consulting project and client. They also ensured we experienced the culture and were introduced to new experiences. The commerce/engineering crossover made groups dynamic and challenged the way we traditionally think. "
"This course was the best experience of my life. During this class, I was able to learn by doing. I was able to consult for a real client. What I learned from this course is invaluable not only from an educational perspective but also from a cultural perspective."
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